Blooming Rose

Hey darlings,
Val is back baby & it feels so good!
This past year I have been quite dormant and inactive on this website due to school and work responsibilities. Now that the academic year is over, I am very excited to start writing articles again for you all and share my summer experiences through here.
There is so much to look forward to and I hope we can all make the most of our summer's despite the ongoing pandemic. I am happy to report that I am fully vaccinated so I am now able to do more "normal" activities...yay!
Summer is my all time favorite season because of the 3 month break we all get from school, the hot weather, and the fact that it's my birthday season jajaja! Although this won't be 100% a normal summer for most of the world, I do have high hopes and good energy that we can enjoy it to the best of our ability.
For the Class of 2022, this will actually be our very last summer as enrolled undergrads ahh! Junior year has been very long, to say the least, so I am approaching this summer with open arms and an open heart.
Stay tuned for some upcoming articles as I will be announcing some exciting news pertaining to work and travel. Can't wait!
Sending you all love and light. Cheers to the start of June!
Love always and forever,

Location: Rosemary Square, West Palm Beach, FL