One year strong and many more to come...

Dear my darling readers,
One year ago, on February 14th, I launched this website. I truly can't believe how far I've come since then and how much this site has grown. Primarily, the focus for this website was to write about content I was passionate about and hope that the articles I publish inspire your lives.
When I launched this site on Valentine's Day last year, I was just an 18 year old freshman in undergrad trying to make her way through the Big Apple. With big dreams, a soft heart, and an open mind, I proceeded forward with the year, all the while, working on developing this site.
This past year has definitely been a year of continuous self-development, and, in regards to this site, it has been a year "under construction". I mean this quite literally as there has been (and still is) so much that I need to learn about website development. If any of you have any insight or general tips, feel free to let me know in the comment section!
Most importantly, I thank all of you for reading my content and supporting my site. I wish us all another year of growth and inspiration. May we all learn from each other and spread genuine love and joy.
Happy 1st Birthday to us!
Love always and forever,
