2 decades in baby!!

Hi lovelies,
Life is all about lessons. I sure have learned quite a lot of them over the past 20 years, and I am so grateful for each and everyone of them as they have enriched my wisdom and have helped me to further understand who I am.
I just recently celebrated my 20th birthday and wanted to share with you 20 life lessons I have learned these past 2 decades. Take them as a form of reflection and let me know if you too have come across similar learning opps:
Live, laugh, and love always
Resilience is the key to progression
Try to always think as optimistically as possible (of course, in a realistic way!)
View life with a "half glass full" mentality
Age is truly just an illusion and only matters in certain life situations
Gratitude and humility is everything. Be kind and loving to everyone
Never let people walk over you and keep your standards high
Self-care and self-love first
Follow your heart, intuition and passion
A balanced blend of logic and emotions is prime
Keep an open mind because life is full of possibilities
Take advantage of the opportunities and people that surround you, they can help you grow and flourish even more
Work hard and play hard
Take it day-by-day and don't let anxiety get the best of you
Understand why certain societal expectations exist, but remember that this is your life and you do not have to follow the norm
Learn from others, inspire each other, and radiate genuine positivity
Stay curious and question mainstream thoughts/traditions
Respect yourself and others. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated
Confidence is key. Never let jealousy, insecurity, or arrogance take over your mind
Everything happens for a reason. The universe is full of mysteries, and all you can do is try your best, go with the flow, and live each day to the fullest
Looking forward to plenty more life lessons!
Love always and forever,
