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Valentina Solci
Feb 3, 2020
First 7 Days of my Milanese Life
Here's what went down the first week DAY 1 I left Miami on Sunday afternoon and had a quick layover at JFK. From there, I headed straight...

Valentina Solci
Jan 20, 2020
Touchdown in Milano!
Milano, Italia | Let the craziness begin... Milano, Sono passati otto anni dall'ultima volta che sono venuto in questa città ! Prima di...

Valentina Solci
May 24, 2019
Dorm Tour: My Freshman Year Room in Greenwich Village
The New School: College Dorms Now that freshman year has officially come to an end, I can finally share my review on my experience at The...

Valentina Solci
Apr 3, 2019
My Trip to Bali!
The idea to go to Bali first came to us about a year ago, when my friend (who's my current roommate) and I were dreaming of things to do...

Valentina Solci
Jun 1, 2021
24 Hours of Spring in West Palm Beach, FL
End of May in West Palm Beach Hey lovelies, This past weekend, my family and I drove up to West Palm Beach, FL for a quick 24 hour trip...

Valentina Solci
Jun 1, 2021
Val is Back! Kicking Off Summer 2021 in Full Swing
Blooming Rose Hey darlings, Val is back baby & it feels so good! This past year I have been quite dormant and inactive on this website...
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